
About The Scheme

The Black Curriculum is a social enterprise founded by Lavinya Stennett in 2019 to address the lack of Black British history in the UK Curriculum. We believe that by delivering arts focused Black history programmes, providing teacher training and campaigning through mobilising young people, we can facilitate social change.

The Black Curriculum’s (TBC) National Ambassador Scheme is an online programme that will provide young people aged 14 - 18, with an opportunity to advocate and educate in their school community. Students will support the development of a greater sense of belonging and identity to young people across the UK through the teaching of Black British History and ongoing work to reform Britain's National curriculum. Ambassadors will develop a wide set of skills during the programme through their researching and educating, leading to accreditation as a TBC National Ambassador.

Aims of the Scheme

Engage young people with curriculum reform and identity reconciliation in Britain: The scheme aims to make curriculum reform relevant and impactful, by ensuring young people ages 14-18 are at the forefront of the action and in these discussions. It will enable young people to actively and directly participate in development, invest and build their school community and improve a sense of identity and entitlement to British nationality.

TBC national reach; The scheme is run nationally in partnership with local authority education departments and the schools under their remit. TBC is building a reputation and awareness as an organisation known for raising the attainment in black youth and curriculum reform.



Joining the scheme

Schools, Local Authorities and Community groups can register to join The National Ambassador Scheme (NAS).

Post scheme benefits

After completing the National Ambassador Scheme and receiving a certificate, graduate ambassadors aged 16+ will be able to opt into The Black Curriculum’s National Ambassador Scheme Network (ASN).

Achieving scheme points

Activities will hold ‘points’ which contribute to students gaining a number of educator, researcher and campaigner points. Ambassadors must gain 15 points in total (5 per point category).

NAS certification

Ambassadors will receive a certificate after completing the scheme. Certificates will be accredited by ASDAN, which can be used towards other ASDAN courses and on university/job applications.